Luckily I got an ARC so I won’t have to wait till October 12, 2010 to read it. It’s definitely on my TBR (to be reviewed) list.
This reminds me of something I read in Meg Cabot’s Princess Diaries series. It’s the book where Mia decides to publish her romance novel and when the publisher finds out that she’s a princess they insist on her using her real name to attract more readers. I’m imagining a similar situation happened with Hilary. :)
As the daughter of a renowned surgeon and a prominent Washington D.C. politician, Clea Raymond has felt the glare of the spotlight her entire life. And though she dreads the paparazzi who track her every move, she herself is a talented photojournalist who takes refuge in a career that allows her to travel to the most exotic parts of the world.
But after Clea’s father disappears while on a humanitarian mission, eerie, shadowy images of a strange and beautiful young man begin to appear in Clea’s photos—a man she has never seen in her life.
When Clea suddenly encounters this man in person she is stunned—and feels an immediate and powerful connection. As they grow closer, they are drawn deep into the mystery behind her father’s disappearance and discover the centuries-old truth behind their intense bond.
Torn by a dangerous love triangle and haunted by a powerful secret that holds their fate, together they race against time to unravel their past in order to save their future—and their lives.

Haha. I had the exact same reaction! I spent hours afterwards trying to find out more information. Eventually I signed up for her newsletter and along came the excerpt. Still a bit dodgy on the whole thing. Can't wait to see your review.
ReplyDeleteI'm really curious about the review too--I know I shouldn't be totally biased--there are great authors who were actors first (Carrie Fisher is delightful as an author) and the hook sounds like an intriguing story, but part of me can't help but resent how much easier it is to get published if you are already famous. I look forward to the review as to whether she can actually write.
ReplyDeleteI've always love Hilary Duff, but I'm on the fence about this. I can't help but wonder if she got published because of her name. It must be nice :) Still, I'm curious to see if it's noteworthy. Should be interesting....
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see if Hilary Duff can pull it off as a writer! I mean, some celebrities should just not ever think that just because they're famous means they can do everything and write a novel, but for Hilary, I'll give her a chance, lol. I'm looking forward to hearing how you like Elixir! ^.~
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting...but I am excited to read it! I really never saw her as an author either but hopefully she'll surprise us!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!